2002-2003 | JANUARY 2004 - JUNE 2004 | JULY 2004 - AUGUST 2004 |
Sciabarra at L&P: "Have a Gay Old Time!" (and check out the new Liberty and Power URL)
Sciabarra at L&P: "AFI's 100 All-Time Movie Songs"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Osama and Saddam, Yet Again" (with discussions here and here)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Ronnie II vs. Bush II"
Sciabarra at L&P: "General Slocum Centennial"
Sciabarra at L&P: "More on Ray and Rushmore"
Sciabarra at L&P: "The Birth of a Narcostate" (follow-up comments too)
Sciabarra at L&P: "I'll Miss You, Brother Ray" (and comments)
"Dr. Sciabarra Responds" on The Light of Reason to Arthur Silber's essay, "Ronald Reagan's True Legacy -- And Why 'Objectivism' is Still Dead" (also see this HNN post)
The Spring 2004 (Vol. 5, No. 2) issue of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies has just been published. See abstracts, contributor biographies, and subscription information. (Also announced at SOLO HQ, Ayn Rand Meta-Blog, and HPO; Sciabarra talks about his forthcoming JARS article, "The Illustrated Rand.")
"The Great Debate" about Objectivism ("closed" or "open"), sexuality, and everything else... continues at SOLO HQ.
Sciabarra at L&P: "Reagan's Rendezvous with Destiny" (with SOLO HQ comments too)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Triple Crown & Titanic on 'Today'"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Breaking News: The Cracker Jack Come Back!"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Academic Curricula: At War with Radical Thinking" (with comments here)
Sciabarra at SOLO HQ:
Comments dealing with composer Miklos Rozsa on Armando Cesari's "Mario Lanza"
Comments here, here and here on Lindsay Perigo's "Of Fundamentals & Fidelity, Revisited" (and the sequel; and on Perigo's importance to SOLO HQ). Also see "Desert Island Discs" (from 2001) and "Objectipedia" possibilities...
Sciabarra at L&P: "A Memorial Day Weekend Tribute to Uncle Sam" (comments here; also noted at
Sciabarra Comments ("Good Call") at L&P on Steve Horwitz's "Just a Movie?," about the disaster flick: "The Day After Tomorrow"
Sciabarra at SOLO HQ: "In Praise of Hijacking" (and the discussion begins here; see also here). A PDF is available here. (The rejoinder to Firehammer is available as a PDF here.)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Of Bats and Rats, Pigeons and Poles"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Kush and Berry"
SOLO HQ announcement on the Sciabarra Fall 2004 Cyberseminar
Atlasphere announcement on the Sciabarra Fall 2004 Cyberseminar
Sciabarra noted by Philosopher Keith Burgess-Jackson at AnalPhilosopher (see here and here as well)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Marshalling Resources" (see also a brief comment on Steve Horwitz's fine post)
Sciabarra at SOLO HQ: "Brief Comments on Ed Younkins' Atlas Shrugged in the Business School"
I've re-done various aspects of the Dialectics & Liberty site, and I am now accepting applications for my newest "Dialectics and Liberty" Cyberseminar to begin in September 2004. Check out the various new links, including a newly posted essay on dialectics and an updated "My Favorite Things"
Sciabarra at L&P: "US Foreign Policy: Biting the Hand that Feeds You"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Human Intelligence" (with follow-up comments)
Sciabarra at L&P: "From Smarty Jones to Dumb Yankees"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Kristof's 'Nuts with Nukes'" (continuing posts on the Nicholas D. Kristof series)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Imminence and Intelligence" (with follow-up comments)
Sciabarra at L&P: "The Spread of Al Qaeda-ism"
Sciabarra Announces a New Fall 2004 Cyberseminar Course: Putting Dialectics to Work
Sciabarra at Atlantis II: "Tactical Nuclear Weapons ... and More"
Sciabarra at L&P: "More Kristof, More Iran"
Sciabarra at L&P: "TOC's Hudgins Gets it Right"
Sciabarra at the Ayn Rand Meta-Blog: "Oliver Stone and Brad Pitt on Remaking The Fountainhead" (noted also by Miss Liberty's Film & TV World)
Sciabarra at SOLO HQ: "On Matters of Punctuation" (see here, here and here too)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Iran: The Anti-Beard Revolution"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Iraq: Surpassing the Costs of World War I"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Nation-Building and Psychiatry" (with follow-up comments)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Why Should We Care?" (noted by Arthur Silber at LOR)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Debating Foreign Policy with 'Objectivists'" (and see follow-up comments here and here)
Sciabarra at the Ayn Rand Meta-Blog: "John Galt on the Radio" (which inspired these negative comments)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Iran Update"
Sciabarra at SOLO HQ on "Rocking the Boat": "A Modest Proposal"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Foreign Policy Debates"
Sciabarra at SOLO HQ: "Comments on: The Nuclear Option?" (with much follow-up discussion here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here!)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Laissez Faire in Iran"
Sciabarra at The Binary Circumstance: "Ayn Rand: The Roots of War" (also mentioned by Trey Givens; see Binary Circumstance Sciabarra mentions here as well)
Sciabarra at the Mises Economics Blog: "We Are All Keynesians Now"
In honor of the birthday of my brother, jazz guitarist Carl Barry, I direct your attention to his website with Joanne Barry, my sister-in-law: Two terrific jazz artists.
Sciabarra at L&P: "More on the Corruption of Rand's Objectivism." Also see the HNN comments. For those still interested in the wild debates raging at the Noodlefood blog, see additional posts by Arthur Silber ("The Self-Appointed Moralizers, and Would-Be Executioners, of Objectivism"), Barbara Branden ("In Praise of Chris Sciabarra," reprinted at Mudita), and David M. Brown's blog here and here.
Sciabarra at L&P: "Agricultural Aggravation"
Sciabarra Comments on Silber's "The Fatal Contradiction---And the Detestable Disgrace that is 'Objectivism' Today" at L&P: "Objectivism and the Corruption of Rand's Radical Legacy"
Sciabarra Comments on "Frenzied Denunciations" at Noodlefood (a continuation of discussions appearing here and here, where Sciabarra discusses the contributions of Nathaniel Branden)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Military Fodder"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Conservative Crack-Up"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Today's Required Reading"
Sciabarra at The Ayn Rand Meta-Blog: "We the Characters"
Sciabarra at SOLO Forum: "Music and Race" (check for follow-up; and see additional comments at SOLO HQ)
Sciabarra on recent deletions from the blog of Noumenal Self: "ARIans Strike Again: SOLOists Count Your Blessings" (see also Robert Campbell's comments at Noodlefood, and Sciabarra's comments at Noodlefood on Diana Hsieh's post, "Friends and Philosophy"). See also Michael Prescott here and here.
Sciabarra at L&P: "The Children's Crusade" (see follow-up comments on Armageddon)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Drugs and Terror" (see follow-up comments too)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Cohen on The Iraqi Quagmire"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Bush Redux"
Sciabarra at The Ayn Rand Meta-Blog: "Helen Mirren on Ayn Rand"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Consequences: Intended and Unintended"
Sciabarra, noting the appearance five years ago today of a major piece on Rand scholarship in The Chronicle of Higher Education, weighs in on the subject at Cliopatra
Sciabarra says: Thank you, Arthur Silber ... for the plug!
Sciabarra at Noodlefood: Weighing in on Hsieh, Hudgins, and Objectivism (Sciabarra contributes quite a few entries to the dialogue at Diana Hsieh's blog... also mentioned here, here, here, and, in a discussion at Noumenal Self, where Sciabarra comments as well... OOPS, Mr. Self Deleted Me! See above...)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Bush League" (also see comments)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Failure is Not an Option" (also mentioned at the Mises Economics Blog; also see comments here and here)
With "The Passion of the Christ" pulling in the crowds, and Easter Week and Passover upon us, Sciabarra resurrects a Golden Oldie from 2000: "Why 'Ben-Hur' is My Favorite Movie." Happy Spring to All!
Sciabarra Makes His Debut at the Mises Economics Blog: "Mises on War & Peace"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Another Fool, Another Day" (see also Marina's commentary and Sciabarra's reply)
Sciabarra's Ayn Rand, Homosexuality, and Human Liberation Goes on Sale at Laissez Faire Books (Take an Extra 15% Off Every Item Now Thru April 30th ~ First 100 Copies Autographed by the Author)
Sciabarra at L&P: "I Was Wrong" (and see William Marina's post & comments)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Yankee Come Home!!!"
Sciabarra updates his Profile, his Post List, and Article List at the New SOLO HQ
Sciabarra Comments on Ed Younkins' "Toward a Paradigm of Human Nature, Human Action, and Human Flourishing"
Sciabarra at L&P: "The Parade of Disgruntled Former Employees"
Sciabarra's "Brief Comments on Feminist Interpretations" Here and Here (regarding Roderick Long's L&P Post, "Dialectical Feminism: The Unknown Ideal")
Sciabarra at SOLO HQ: Debating Iraq and Al Qaeda ... Again (commentary on David Bertelsen's "Giving in to Terrorists"). See follow-up dialogue too, here, here, and here.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Sciabarra is "Celebrating the Great American Songbook" in The Free Radical 60 (February - March 2004): 20-21 [also published on SOLO HQ with an archived discussion). A PDF is available here.
Sciabarra at SOLO Forum: "Madrid Madness" (also at L&P; commented on by William Marina, and in further dialogue with Sciabarra)
Sciabarra at SOLO HQ: Ides of March Comments on Lindsay Perigo's "Flirting with Friedrich"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Politics, Culture, and Fear"
Sciabarra at L&P on the PC-Minded Police: "Fuhgeddaboudit!"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Scientific Desert"
Sciabarra at SOLO-Forum: Rand, Marx, and Mao (About Diana Hsieh and TOC; and see follow-ups at that link)
Sciabarra Comments on Edward Younkins' "Murray Rothbard's Randian Austrianism" (and see Two--Four for reflections on the impact of Sciabarra's Rand book on one reader: "How it Comes, Now & Then")
Sciabarra in the New York Daily News' Voice of the People on an issue of local importance to subway riders in the NY metropolitan area: "Alphabet Soup" (and provokes an answer from another reader)
Sciabarra at L&P: "The End of Conservatism" (with additional comments by Pat Lynch, Steve Horwitz, Jonathan Dresner, and Sciabarra too)
Sciabarra at L&P: "George Washington and The Peril of Foreign Entanglements"
Sciabarra at L&P: "To Be or Not To Be Imminent"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Friday the 13th" (and see the comments that follow)
Sciabarra at SOLO HQ: "Looking Back on the 1983 Controversy over NAMBLA at NYU"
Sciabarra at L&P on the Russert-Bush "Meet the Press" Interview: "Evidence? Who Needs Evidence?"
Sciabarra at LOR: "More Gay Penguins" (as a postscript to LOR and L&P posts here, here, and here)
Sciabarra at L&P: "The Spread of Mammophobia" (also see Arthur Silber here and here; Roderick Long here)
Sciabarra at L&P: "'Iraq was a Failure of National Leadership'"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Come One, Come All to 'The Exorcist Experience' in Iraq"
Sciabarra at LOR: "Out with the Taliban - Here and Abroad" (and comments on the Binary Circumstance post: "Justin's Jungle Fever")
Sciabarra comments (and read his follow-up comments too) at SOLO HQ on Ed Younkins' essay, "Can the Ideas of Mises and Rand Be Reconciled?"
Sciabarra at SOLO HQ: Mistakes of Attribution in American Enterprise Essay (under the thread, "Greenpeace co-founder: Rand was Right"). See also Sciabarra at SOLO-Yahoo Forum on "The Perils of Posthumous Rand Books."
Sciabarra at L&P: "Communist Parasites"
Sciabarra at L&P: "This Week's Wisdom"
Sciabarra at L&P: "On Grave and Gathering Threats" (and see Keith Halderman's comments on the post)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Inside Iran: Twenty-Five Years After the Islamic Revolution" (and comments)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Foreign Policy and the Cash Nexus"
Sciabarra on the SOLO Forum: "On the Atkins Diet"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Betty Ann Ong and the 9/11 Commission"
Sciabarra at L&P: "On Sharpton, Silver Screens, and Silber"
Sciabarra comments (in the update section) on Silber's LOR post: "Be Silent---and Obey"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Dirty Harry is a Libertarian"
Sciabarra's Ayn Rand, Homosexuality, and Human Liberation is now the subject of a book-length critique by Reginald Firehammer. Check it out here. Sciabarra's reply is forthcoming in The Free Radical. Stay tuned!
Sciabarra at L&P: "Ideology and Myth in American Politics" (cited by LOR & Fly Bottle too)
Sciabarra comments on Ed Younkins' essay "Carl Menger's Economics of Well-Being: Almost Objectivism"
Sciabarra comments on Binary Circumstance post on "Paul Varnell: Ayn Rand and Homosexuality"
Sciabarra on the Iowa caucuses, American Idol, and the Presidential Race: "Political Musings" (and see Keith Halderman's reference to this post here)
Sciabarra announces a Journal of Ayn Rand Studies' Call for Papers on Rand & Nietzsche (see SOLO HQ and The Ayn Rand Meta-Blog too)
Sciabarra as SOLO HQ News Correspondent: "Film Rights Acquired to Rand's Anthem" (see other news items too, and post at The Ayn Rand Meta-Blog)
Sciabarra at the Ayn Rand Meta-Blog: "Essays on the Edge" (ARI Essay Contest in NY Times)
Sciabarra Responds to the Critics of Ayn Rand, Homosexuality, and Human Liberation: Letter in Boulder Weekly
Sciabarra at SOLO HQ: "On Names, Skin Diseases, Gods, and Godfathers"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Hussein, Bin Laden, and Gramsci" (and in comments here & here, and Keith Halderman's post too)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Taking Another Look at Pollack"
Sciabarra at L&P: "No Smoking Gun"
Sciabarra at L&P: "Welcome to Steve Horwitz" (noted here too)
Sciabarra at L&P: "Nicky Arnstein, Nicky Arnstein ..."
Sciabarra makes his debut as a contributing blogger to the Ayn Rand Mega-Blog: "Rand in NY Review of Books"
A Happy and Healthy New Year! If you'd like to see all the material on "Not a Blog" dated 2001-2003, point your browser to the new "Not a Blog Archive: 2001-2003" (which covers the dates 26 July 2002 to 31 December 2003, everything from my piece on "Howard Roark" in the New York Daily News to my essay on "The Cultural Ascendancy of Ayn Rand" at The Atlasphere, upon which Reginald Firehammer has commented).