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Chris Matthew Sciabarra, Ph.D.

About The Author



"The Eyes Have It," by David Cohen, Quilette (10 December 2021).

"How the Queen of Selfishness Taught Me To Accept My Disability," by Robert Lerose, Folks (18 January 2018).

"Dear Google: How About Ayn Rand on a Doodle?," by Andrea Billups, The Atlas Society (25 August 2016).

"Ayn Rand, Intellectual Powerhouse: An American Story," by Joseph F. Cotto, BC - Blogcritics (12 March 2012).

"Nietzsche and Objectivism Cyberseminar:  Master and Slave," by Jason Ticknor-Schwab, The Atlas Society (7 March 2011).

"Around the Web," by Scott McLemee, Inside Higher Ed (5 December 2007).

"In Search of Atlas:  Ayn Rand's Magnum Opus, At Age 50," by A. J. Vogl, The Conference Board Review (September-October 2007):  56-60.

"Ayn Rand's Academic Legacy:  Advocates of Objectivism Make New Inroads," by David Glenn, The Chronicle of Higher Education LIII, no. 45 (13 July 2007):  A6-A8.

"Interview with Jason Dixon," Notablog (18 April 2006).

"Celebrity Rand Fans," by Robert Bidinotto, The New Individualist (1 January 2006)

"Interview with Sunni Maravillosa," Sunni's Salon (18 August 2005).

"Interview with Sebastien Care," Notablog (17 August 2005).

"Intellectual Affairs:  This, That and the Other Thing," by Scott McLemee, Inside Higher Ed (3 March 2005).

"Ayn Rand at 100," by Cathy Young, Reason (March 2005).

"Ayn Rand's Campus Radicals," by Christopher Shea, The Boston Globe (13 February 2005).

"Intellectual Affairs:  Among the Randroids," by Scott McLemee, Inside Higher Ed (10 February 2005).

"Assessing Rand at Centenary," by Carlin Romano, Philadelphia Inquirer (30 January 2005).

"20 Books That Changed America," by Jerome Kramer, Book Magazine no. 29 (July/August 2003):  59-62.

"Ilana Mercer on The Mark Scott Show," where the guest and host speak of Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical (26 December 2002).

"Academia: Rand Rebuffed:  McGill refuses funding to study a leading right-wing writer," by Terry O'Neill, The Report 29, no. 17 (2 September 2002):  52.

"Write Stuff: The Appeal of Ayn Rand to GLBT Youth," by Lisa Neff, Chicago Free Press (June 2002):  38.

"The Dying of the Light," by Richard Speer, Navigator 5, no. 3 (March 2002):  7-14.

"I'm Not Alone in My Shock," by Karen Zautyk, New York Daily News (6 January 2002): 38 [in answer to Zautyk's column on 9-11: "Yeah, Sure, Get on With Our Lives," New York Daily News  (2 January 2002):  31].

"Ayn Rand pa vag att omvarderas," by Johan Norberg, Svenska Dagbladet (12 March 2001).

"Ayn Rand:  Elitismens og Turbokapitalismens Jordmor?," by Thomas Gramstad, Morgenbladet nr. 8, 23 (February 2001).

"Interview with Chris Matthew Sciabarra," by Peter Jaworski, The Free Radical  45 (February/March 2001):  26-28.

"Nietzsche and Rand Cyberseminar: Rand and the Silver Age," The Atlas Society (2000).

"Nietzsche and Rand Cyberseminar:  A Note on Ayn Rand's College Transcript," The Atlas Society (2000).

"Interview with Chris Matthew Sciabarra," by William and Karen Minto, Full Context 13, no. 1 (September/October 2000):  1, 3-11.

"Higher Ed:  The Polecat Makes a Comeback--Gettin' Randy," by Norah Vincent, The Village Voice (15-21 March 2000):  14.

"Two Russias," by Thomas L. Knapp, The American Partisan Magazine (13 March 2000).

"Ayn Rand:  Philosopher for a New Millennium?," by Russell Madden, Laissez Faire City Times 4, no. 6 (7 February 2000).

"The New Intellectuals:   A Profile of Ayn Rand," by Peter Jaworski, The Queen's Journal 127, no. 29 (1 February 2000):  14-15.

"The Annus Mirabilis of Chris Matthew Sciabarra:   Chris Sciabarra:  Objectivism's Matchmaker," by Roger Donway, Navigator (January 2000):  10-15.

"Ayn Rand Goes to College," by Andy Lamey, National Post (8 January 2000).

"Ayn Rand:  Still Spouting," The Economist (27 November - 3 December 1999):  88-89.

"Alan's Bubble," by Edward Chancellor, Prospect (November 1999):  21-25.

"Hot Type:  Ayn Rand Journal Debuts," The Chronicle of Higher Education XLVI, no. 3 (10 September 1999):  A26.

"Commentary on 'Philosopher of the Heroes'," by Thomas Gramstad, Morgenbladet (August 1999).

"The Heirs of Ayn Rand: Has Objectivism Gone Subjective?," by Scott McLemee, Lingua Franca 9, no. 6 (September 1999):  45-55.

"It's Rayning Rand," by Cathy Young in Detroit News (12 June 1999) [syndicated appearance in Jewish World Review, 11 June 1999]

"The Enduring Appeal and Controversy of Ayn Rand," by Carlin Romano in the Arts and Entertainment section of The Philadelphia Inquirer  (23 May 1999).

"Rand'$ $tory:  A New Postage Stamp and a Cable-Television Movie Demonstrate that this Goddess of Individualism still makes her Presence felt 17 years after Her Death," by Michael Rust in Insight 15, no. 20 (31 May 1999), 10-13, 39.

"Ayn Rand Has Finally Caught the Attention of Scholars:  New Books and Research Projects Involve Philosophy, Political Theory, Literary Criticism, and Feminism," by Jeff Sharlet in Chronicle of Higher Education xlv, no. 31 (9 April 1999), A17-A18. See also here.

"Online Education May Impact Foreign Recruitment," by Robert Sedgwick in World Education News & Reviews (WENR) 12, no. 2 (March/April 1999), 8-9, 11.

"Chris Matthew Sciabarra on Ayn Rand and Society:  An Interview by Alberto Mingardi," City Times Interviews with Laissez-Faire Thinkers (1998).

"Ayn Rand:  The Object of His Affection," by Leif B. Strickland, San Diego Union-Tribune (11 August 1998).

"Observer's Notebook:  Rand Among Gays," by Paul Varnell, Windy City Times (26 March 1998):   15.

Interview, "In the Absence of God," premier episode of six-part series for Finnish-Swedish TV, YLE Public Service State Broadcast Channel. Helsinki (10 November 1997).

Research Assistant (on-screen credit), Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life, a film nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, directed, produced, and written by Michael Paxton. Released by Strand Releasing; premiere 1997-98.

Interview, Amazon.com Talks to Chris Matthew Sciabarra.

"Interview with Chris Sciabarra," Full Context 8, no. 1 (September 1995):  1, 3-9.

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