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JANUARY 31, 2008

Song of the Day #865

Song of the DayWhat Goes Around Comes Around, words and music by birthday boy Justin TimberlakeTimothy "Timbaland" Mosley, and Nate Hills, is from the fine album "FutureSex/LoveSounds." Listen to a full-length clip of this #1 pop hit at YouTube and a dance remix too. And check out the video with Scarlett Johannson and Shawn Hatosy. The original track features a nice groove and eclectic instrumentation, and Justin does a great job performing it in concert (yes, I saw him, and he was outstanding). Happy Birthday, Mr. Timberlake. And look out for his Pepsi commercial on Super Bowl Sunday.

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JANUARY 30, 2008

Rudy Giuliani: A Preliminary Autopsy

If you are at all susceptible to the politics bug, it is very hard to innoculate oneself in the middle of one of the most dizzying political seasons in recent memory.

But some things are predictable. A very, very long time ago, when former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani had launched his GOP campaign for the Presidency, it seemed that he would be invincible. I have long argued, however, that the conservative "coalition" within the Republican Party had suffered a huge crack-up, undermined by its most virulent strains (of the neo- and, especially, theo- variety).

In this context, "[i]t bordered on science fiction to think that someone as liberal on as many issues as Rudy Giuliani could become the Republican nominee," as GOP consultant Nelson Warfield observes.

With Rudy's crushing defeat in the Florida primary (and his imminent endorsement of John McCain), Giuliani's campaign is now history.

Now, let me be clear about a few things: I'm not one of those libertarians who utterly despises "Ghouliani." True, he could be an awful political opportunist (Joe Biden's statement rings true: "There's only three things he mentions in a sentence: a noun and a verb and 9/11"). He was petty and authoritarian, and he pissed me off a few hundred times while he was "America's Mayor." But for New Yorkers who lived through an era bookended by John Lindsay and David Dinkins, Rudy did a few things that led even the New York Times to endorse him in 1997 for a second term (so much for their inherent bias against him).

That said, his acceptance of the Bush administration's reckless policies assured that I could never cast my vote for a Giuliani presidency.

So much more 2008 political theater to come... stay tuned.

Cross-referenced at L&P.

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I would have never forgiven you for voting Republican.

Just kidding! ( :

It would take a lot for me to stop talking to you.

Posted by: Venus Cassandra | February 1, 2008 05:05 PM

So Chris, who (if anyone) are you backing in the election?

From where I'm sitting (admittedly some distance away!!) none of them seem particularly appealing from a Randian perspective.

Posted by: Matthew Humphreys | February 3, 2008 06:00 PM

I gotta say, I didn't just despise Giuliani, I was terrified of him. Before the primary season started and he went in the tank, I was praying he'd meet the fate of Huey Long or George Wallace. If he'd been elected, I'd have wondered if this was how Germans felt in 1933.

The guy takes a view of executive power that makes the Bush/Cheney "unitary executive" pale in comparison. As the NYT article indicates, he's prone to abuses of power that make Nixon look positively Quakerish. And he had Podhoretz, a mouth-frothing neocon who prays for war with Iran, as his chief foreign policy adviser. This country really dodged a bullet.

Now my biggest fear is McCain will win and appoint him AG.

Posted by: Kevin Carson | February 11, 2008 01:10 AM

V, have no fear: I am so angry at the GOP that it might take me a generation to get over it. It would take a lot for me to stop talking to you.

Matthew, at this time, I am not supporting any of the major candidates for President, and, given the political and economic structures in the United States, I do not see how any candidate will make any fundamental difference. And that includes a guy who would never win: Ron Paul, with whom I have some agreement especially on foreign and monetary policy. I'll have more to say about the candidates and the campaign in the coming weeks and months.

As for Rudy: Kevin, I think you are right to be fearful, given the man's view of executive power and his connections to certain neocons. There are lots of things to fear in the upcoming election, however, that far transcend Rudy.

More to come!

Posted by: Chris Matthew Sciabarra | February 11, 2008 08:29 AM


JANUARY 25, 2008

Song of the Day #864

Song of the DayMeditation features the Portuguese lyrics of Newton Mendonca, the English lyrics of Norman Gimbel, and the luscious music of Antonio Carlos Jobim, who was born on this date in 1927. This is one of my all-time favorite melodies from one of my all-time favorite composers. Listen to audio clips from Stan Getz and Joao Gilbertoguitarist Charlie ByrdNancy Ames (with guitarist Laurindo Almeida)Frank Sinatra with Jobim, and Jobim himself.

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JANUARY 22, 2008

Heath Ledger, 1979-2008

Shocking news from New York City today: The young actor, Heath Ledger, was found dead in his SoHo apartment in Manhattan, in an apparent prescription drug overdose.

He's due to be seen as the Joker in the upcoming Batman flick, "The Dark Knight," a film I was really looking forward to seeing. A resident of Brooklyn for a while with Michelle Williams and their baby daughter, Ledger is perhaps best remembered for his Oscar-nominated heartbreaking role in "Brokeback Mountain."

Ledger was only 28 years old. How very sad.

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Didn't think much of his work, but had become accustomed to it.

From where I'm blogging (New Zealand) it seems like people are dropping dead like flies! Here's yet another.

Posted by: Rick Giles | January 23, 2008 03:36 AM

At least, he finished post-production before this happened, so his last work of art is finished... Still sad, that this happened..

Posted by: max | January 23, 2008 04:10 AM

The final verdict was accidental overdose of prescription medication; a very sad ending to the life of a talented actor.

The memorial ceremonies stretched from New York to LA to Australia and were lovely, from all reports.

Posted by: Chris Matthew Sciabarra | February 11, 2008 07:59 AM


JANUARY 20, 2008

Go Giants!

Okay, okay, so they play in Joisey. But they still wear that NY on their helmuts, and the New York Giants are going to the Super Bowl. WTF!?! I can't believe it that Little Manning is taking his team to Arizona.


To face those unbeaten New England Patriots. Ugh.

Well, for the second year in a row, a Manning makes the Super Bowl, and Eli tries to follow his brother Peyton to victory. Well, at least the temperatures will be higher than the ones the Giants had to deal with in Lambeau Field, against the Green Bay Packers. A nice 23-20 sudden death overtime victory for Big Blue. Congratulations!

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It hurts that my Chargers won't get the opportunity to face the quarterback who rejected them a few years ago, although the other Southern Boy we got plays with a lot of heart and guts (and attitude).

That being said, may Eli bring down the New England Cheatriots!

Posted by: Peri Sword | January 24, 2008 10:55 PM

And that he did! :)

Posted by: Chris Matthew Sciabarra | February 11, 2008 08:16 AM


JANUARY 18, 2008

IESS Entry on "Objectivism"

I've authored an entry on Ayn Rand's philosophy, "Objectivism," which appears in the new International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, a 9-volume, 4000-page work published by Macmillan Reference USA, edited by William A. Darity, Jr. (Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008). The article can be found in Volume 6: Oaxaca, Ronald - Quotas, Trade, pp. 6-8, but the people at Gale / Cengage Learning have been kind enough to give me permission to post the PDF of the article on my home site.

You can access the essay as a PDF document here.


Cross-posted at L&P.

 | Permalink | Comments (3) | Posted to Rand Studies


The sentence that starts "But some scholars have argued..." made me chuckle.

Well done, C. As always it's nice to see Rand's work fairly characterized.

Posted by: Austen | January 18, 2008 06:03 PM

My my! That's a big reference book.

Congrats on the entry! Chris.

Posted by: Venus Cassandra | January 19, 2008 03:37 PM

Thanks, Venus, and thanks, Austen.

Thought you'd get a kick out of that line... but at least ~today~ I can say that there actually are several scholars who argue for this point, not just me. LOL

Check out the work by Bernice Rosenthal, for example.

All the best,

Posted by: Chris Matthew Sciabarra | January 20, 2008 07:55 PM


JANUARY 16, 2008

American Idol 2008 Begins

"American Idol" began last night with a 2-hour premiere ... at an advantage in the TV ratings game, because the Writers' Strike has kept so many shows off the air.

It was a typical "AI" beginning: some good talent, some nightmares, lots of fun, as always. Looking forward to an entertaining season ...

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JANUARY 09, 2008

The Real Girl from Ipanema

It was one of my favorite songs, and now there's a nice article telling us about the real "Girl from Ipanema." Check out "'Ipanema' & The Sands of Time," by Dominick A. Merle from this past Sunday's New York Daily News.

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JANUARY 06, 2008

Song of the Day #863

Song of the DayI'll Fall with Your Knifea paean to commitment and to 'keeping the faith' against all odds, features the music and lyrics of Peter Murphy and Paul Statham. The song has been heard in several venues, including as the opening and closing theme of the 1997 teen movie, "The Trojan War" (where Tom Hiel delivers his own rendition as well). Take a look also at two YouTube moments: a "Samurai X" anime video and a glimpse of a live Peter Murphy concert appearance from May 2000. And check out audio clips from Peter's "Cascade," "Wild Birds: 1985-1995: The Best of the Beggars Banquet Years," and, my favorite rendition, from "aLive Just for Love." Happy Birthday, sweetie!

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Hi Chris, you do not know me. My name is Dave. I am a Die hard Sox and Patriots fan, obviously from Boston.
Raised to hate New York in certain ways. Since 911 I just couldn't seem to understand this different way that I feel, in regards to New York. I just happened to be looking at all things 911. And stumbled upon your story about your brother, the way you felt about the towers, and some pics that you took and a friend of yours took. Just want to say... (I was unable to find your email address so I went on one of your blogs. I am not at all computer savy, so forgive me)... But somehow I suddenly, through you, and your story and pictures, I now feel I have some connection with you and your great city. This is the best way I can put this in writing. Obviously you are a much better writer than myself. But hopefully you understand what I'm saying. Your friend from Boston Dave.

Posted by: David Slatton | January 8, 2008 08:00 PM

David, I just wanted to thank you for your very kind words; I'm so very happy that my writing had a way of reaching across the geo-divide. :)

Congrats on your Pats making it to the Super Bowl.

I'm watching the Giants-Packers game, and hoping they'll be a Patriots-Giants Super Bowl. :)

All the best, and thanks again, pal,

Posted by: Chris Matthew Sciabarra | January 20, 2008 07:50 PM


JANUARY 01, 2008

Song of the Day #862

Song of the DayIt's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, music and lyrics by Edward Pola and George Wyle, captures the wonder of the season perfectly. Listen to audio clips by Toni Braxton and Rosemary Clooney, and my two most favorite versions: the exuberant, joyous renditions by Andy Williams (and check out a shrift remix of that track too) and Johnny Mathis. And so ends our tribute to holiday songs, which began 12 days agoA very happy, healthy, prosperous, and successful New Year to all my readers!

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