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DECEMBER 25, 2009

Song of the Day #946

Song of the DayMerry Christmas, Baby, written by Lou Baxter and Johnny Moore, is a bluesy celebration of today's holiday. Take a listen (or a look) to versions by Kenny BurrellB.B. King, and Bruce Springsteen. And a Merry Christmas to one and all!

 | Permalink | Posted to Music

DECEMBER 17, 2009

A JARS Grows in Brooklyn

The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies has undergone a number of changes over the past year, not the least of which has been geographic! The office moved from Port Townsend, Washington to Reno, Nevada. Now, all business, subscription, and editorial queries should be directed to:

The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies
P. O. Box 230052
Brooklyn, New York 11223

Yes, Brooklyn! :)

Our Spring 2009 issue is obviously very late, but it should be out to subscribers early in the new year. Subscription databases are being updated, so if you've made an inquiry that has gone unanswered for a while, be patient. A batch of materials and letters went out this week, and more will go out in the coming weeks. If you'd like a subscription to the journal, fill out this form and mail it in today!

The next issue will complete our Tenth Anniversary celebration. It features a special symposium on Ayn Rand and Friedrich Nietzsche, with special guest editor Lester Hunt. Essays by Hunt, Stephen R. C. Hicks, Peter Saint-Andre, Roger E. Bissell, and Robert Powell are included.

More information on the issue will be posted here and at the JARS website soon. Stay tuned! And Happy Holidays from your friends and colleagues at The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies.

 | Permalink | Comments (3) | Posted to Periodicals Rand Studies



Your steadfast work on this should be an inspiration to us all.

: )

Posted by: Natailya Petrova | December 18, 2009 01:35 PM

Thanks for keeping JARS going.

Great example. Will Russian Radical ever come out in Kindle format?


Posted by: Bill Parr | December 31, 2009 10:33 AM

Hi Chris,

Keep up the good work!

I missed getting my copy of your latest issue. I will include money for that one with the renewal form.

Best Wishes,

Posted by: Stephen Boydstun | January 28, 2010 09:33 AM


DECEMBER 04, 2009

Song of the Day #945

Song of the DayInventions (full version at that link) is a composition by the band Maserati. A stand-out from the band's album, Inventions for the New Season, the track has also been creatively remixed. Take a look at two YouTube moments: this clip of a live version from the 40 Watt Club in Athens, Georgia, and this clip from San Antonio, Texas, recorded on 18 October 2009. The latter clip is all the more poignant to watch because it was recorded by the ensemble just weeks before the tragic untimely passing on 8 November 2009 of Brooklyn-based drummer extraordinaire Jerry FuchsFuchs had worked prolifically with such bands as LCD Soundsystem!!! (pronounced "chk, chk, chk"), and The Juan Maclean. I never met him, but I had heard wonderful things about him from those who knew him. His passionate devotion to his craft is evident in the remarkable musical legacy he has left behind.

 | Permalink | Comments (7) | Posted to Music Remembrance


One of 'The Good Guys." An artist whose passion was a halo when he was on stage. He'll be missed like crazy.

Thanks for sharing him with all of us.

"The Kid."

Posted by: Dick | December 4, 2009 03:10 PM

I can't thank you enough for posting this. It brought tears to my eyes. I didn't know Jerry, but saw him in various settings and what you say describes him exactly. Thank you so much for this. Thank you.

Posted by: Alyssa | December 4, 2009 08:19 PM

Wow, an absolute classic and such a delight to listen to. Where o where have such masters of music gone nowadays?

Posted by: acuvue oasys | December 13, 2009 10:49 AM

Intimately, the post is really the greatest on this noteworthy topic.

Thanks for sharing him with all of us.

Posted by: Trikapalanet | December 15, 2009 07:18 AM

Thanks for sharing him with all of us.

Posted by: Mapics | December 26, 2009 04:52 AM

I thought I would leave my first comment. Thank you and I will want to read more from you.

Posted by: Maria Sanchez | December 31, 2009 10:00 PM

Thanks for sharing him with all of us.

Posted by: SuperRefMan | January 28, 2010 10:19 AM