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OCTOBER 31, 2007

Robert Goulet, RIP

Robert Goulet has shown up a number of times in my "Song of the Day" entries, including "If Ever I Would Leave You" and "Call Me Irresponsible."

Goulet passed away yesterday, awaiting a lung transplant, at the age of 73. My condolences to his family.

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Song of the Day #829

Song of the DayTubular Bells, written and performed by Mike Oldfield, is a composition that has been most identified with one of the spookiest movies ever made: "The Exorcist." Listen to an audio clip here (specifically Part One). And take a look at this YouTube remix. And then, pop "The Exorcist" into your DVD player and have a Scary, Happy Halloween.

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OCTOBER 30, 2007

Goodbye Donnie Baseball; Hello Joe G.

Many Yankee fans thought for sure that beloved Don Mattingly would become the new manager of the New York Yankees. It turns out that Donnie Baseball is not to be in the Bronx, and former Yankees catcher Joe Girardi (who was also a former NL Manager of the Year, when he managed the Florida Marlins in 2006) is slated to be the new manager in the post-Torre era.

Word has it that the "front office" guys didn't want another manager like Joe Torre, with a quieter disposition, which rules out Mattingly. In his previous stint with the Marlins, Girardi showed a bit of 'kick-ass,' but that 'kick ass' quality got him into a bit of trouble with the owners. Hmmm... not sure if that is a good thing with the Steinbrenner family, but I'm already looking forward to Spring Training.

Meanwhile, Joe Torre might be going to the west coast to manage the LA Dodgers... and Mattingly might join him as hitting coach.

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I have nothing against Giradi, but I am disappointed, and feel bad for Mattingly. As for Torre and/or Mattingly going to the Dodgers: DO NOT WANT.

Posted by: Aeon J. Skoble | October 30, 2007 08:14 AM

Torre to the Dodgers? Oh no! Not the kind of news this Padres fan wants to hear. :-(

Posted by: Mick Russell | October 30, 2007 03:47 PM

I think Torre is in fact going to LA...

Posted by: Aeon J. Skoble | October 31, 2007 09:09 AM

Uh, yes, Torre is now bleeding Dodger Blue. And the Yanks are, once again, getting ready to sell the farm (literally... as in giving up great talent in their farm system) for Santana.

As my friend Aeon says: DO NOT WANT. I'm so disgusted with this penchant for giving up home grown talent for current "proven" players. Enough!

Posted by: Chris Matthew Sciabarra | December 2, 2007 06:36 PM


OCTOBER 29, 2007

Baseball $ox

Congratulations to Red Sox Nation for their second World Series championship in the new century. Looks like the beginning of the last century ...

Perhaps the Bosox will try to deal a death blow to their hated rivals, the New York Yankees, by making Alex Rodriguez an offer he can't refuse. Apparently, nearly a quarter of a billion dollars wasn't enough to keep A-Rod in the Bronx ... so a Big Bronx Cheer to this talented free agent and probable 2007 MVP.

Don't let the clubhouse door hit you on the way out.

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OCTOBER 19, 2007


Changes happening... some permanent... let me note a few:

Deborah Kerr, whom I loved in such movies as "The King and I," "An Affair to Remember," and "Quo Vadis," passed away on Tuesday, October 16, 2007.

Joey Bishop, whose humor made me chuckle in the 1960s and 1970s, passed away on Wednesday, October 17, 2007; he was the last surviving member of Hollywood's famed "Rat Pack."

Laissez Faire Books is closing its doors after 36 years in business. I will always be enormously thankful to LFB for carrying my various books and monographs through the years. My very best wishes to everybody connected to LFB for providing liberty lovers with one of the most important sources of libertarian literature in the world.

o And, finally, I note the passing of the Joe Torre Era of Yankees Baseball. I still think that the Yankees greatest weakness is their starting pitching (and their long relief), not their manager. It's the pitching (or lack thereof) that has led to early exits from the postseason for several years running now. The organization is going a long way toward correcting its pitching weakness by re-investing in a long-depleted farm system. The rebuilding may take a few years, but I'm confident it will be for the best. Losing Manager Joe Torre, however, is not for the best, and I will miss his steady hand and stabilizing influence. Thanks, Joe, for a great run!

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RE Deborah Kerr -- and don't forget "From Here to Eternity"!

RE your analysis of Torre and the Yankees: Word.

Posted by: Aeon J. Skoble | October 22, 2007 08:42 AM

Yes, to "Eternity"...

As for Joe Torre and the new rumblings in Yankeeland:

I think it is rather remarkable that Hank Steinbrenner (the Boss's son) is now saying that we should cut the new manager (whoever is chosen) a little slack because this is a team in transition and we need to have a little patience about making it to the postseason.

See here.

Give the new manager a chance, because he's not getting the 96 Yankees.

Another swipe at Joe Torre.

So they give Torre an offer they know he'll walk away from... and then ask us to cut the new guy a little slack. In other words: Get rid of Torre because he didn't get the team to the World Series, but keep the new guy, who may not get the team into the postseason at all!

Really nice, eh?

Posted by: Chris Matthew Sciabarra | October 25, 2007 08:46 AM

I too noted Deborah Kerr's death. I was able to watch Eternity and Separate Tables on TCM a few day after. Two of the better ones.

Posted by: Chris Grieb | October 27, 2007 11:02 AM

So true, Chris! Keep tuned to TCM, as they regularly screen many of her films!

Posted by: Chris Matthew Sciabarra | December 2, 2007 06:22 PM


OCTOBER 10, 2007

Song of the Day #828

Song of the DayBorn to Be Alive, music, lyrics, and performance by Patrick Hernandez, was a huge #1 dance hit in 1979Happy 50th anniversary to Atlas Shrugged, the Ayn Rand novel that celebrates human beings who are ... born to be alive! Check out this song on YouTube.

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OCTOBER 02, 2007

Miss Moneypenny, RIP

My goodness! Lois Maxwell, the actress who played "Miss Moneypenny" in 14 James Bond flicks, has passed away at the age of 80. She was a staple in those films... and I always enjoyed her open flirting with 007.

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RIP -- or should I say "Ciao"?


Posted by: Aeon J. Skoble | October 2, 2007 09:08 AM

Good one. :)

Posted by: Chris Matthew Sciabarra | October 25, 2007 08:40 AM


OCTOBER 01, 2007

Song of the Day #827

Song of the DayInfatuation (YouTube clip at that link), written by Winston Negron, was one of my favorite 1980s synth club tracks. Performed by Up Front and remixed by Edward T. Colon, it was a New York area dance club smash in 1983.

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