Abstract and Ordering Information
MARX, HAYEK, AND UTOPIA - Chris Matthew Sciabarra SUNY Press (23 August 1995): ISBN 0-7914-2616-5 (PAPER), $20.95; (31 August 1995): ISBN 0-7914-2615-7 (CLOTH), originally $59.50, now selling at $21.50. Second paperback printing released on 4 July 2003. Also available as an e-book; view a sample chapter here. And in a new Kindle Edition.
ORDER FROM: STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK PRESS, c/o CUP Services, P.O. Box 6525, Ithaca, NY 14851; 607-277-2211 (customer service); 800-688-2877 (FAX); New York residents please add 8.25% sales tax; add $3.00 for first copy, $.50 each additional copy.
This book develops a critique of utopianism through a provocative comparison of the works of Karl Marx and F. A. Hayek, thus engaging two vastly different traditions in critical dialogue. By emphasizing the methodological and substantive similarities between Marxian and Hayekian perspectives, it challenges each tradition's most precious assumptions about the other. Through this comparative analysis, the book articulates the crucial distinctions between utopian and radical theorizing. Sciabarra examines the dialectical method of social inquiry common to both Marxian and Hayekian thought and argues that both Marx and Hayek rejected utopian theorizing because it internalizes an abstract, ahistorical, exaggerated sense of human possibility. The chief disagreement between Marx and Hayek, he shows, is not political but epistemological, reflecting their differing assumptions about the limits of reason.
Published as part of the SUNY Series: Philosophy of the Social Sciences.