By Chris Matthew Sciabarra

Here are all of Sciabarra's articles, and a few references to Sciabarra, archived at the now-closed online periodical, The Daily Objectivist.  Some of these articles were excerpted from other Sciabarra essays, which can be found in Sciabarra's list of Current Works

"In Search of the Rand Transcript" (7 September 1999)

"Concepts and Characters" (11 September 1999)

Scott Ryan's "The Rand Journal We've Been Waiting For" (15 October 1999)

"The Dialectical Meaning of 'Charlie's Angels'" (7 November 1999)

"How to Lead a More Integrated Life This Holiday Season" (17 December 1999)

[and see "Chesterton on Dickens" (20 December 1999)

"Hero of the Day:  Herbert Spencer" (18 January 2000)

Gregory Johnson's review:  'Second-Hand Ayn Rand' (20 January 2000)

"Sciabarra's Film Picks:  Part the First" (13 April 2000)

"Sciabarra's Film Picks: Part the Second" (14 April 2000)

"Why Ben-Hur is My Favorite Movie" (21 April 2000)

"Film Review: 'Gladiator'" (29 May 2000)

"Hero of the Day:  George V. Walsh" (24 July 2000)

"Looking for Mr. Lossky:  Uncovering the Rand-Lossky Connection" (11 March 2000)

"Hero of the Day: Chris Matthew Sciabarra" (4 September 2000)

"Wholes in One:  Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism, Introduction, Part I" (8 October 2000)

"Wholes in One:  Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism, Introduction, Part II" (16 October 2000)

"Wholes in One:  Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism, Introduction, Part III" (23 October 2000)

"Wholes in One:  Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism, Introduction, Part IV" (30 October 2000)

"Wholes in One:  Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism, Randian Motion, Part V" (6 November 2000)

"Wholes in One:  Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism,  Rothbard's Context-Dropping Law Code, Part VI" (12-13 November 2000)

"Last Word:  Presidential Power Grab 2000: A TDO Round Table" (10 December 2000) [A David Brown Spoof]

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