This article appeared in the Fall 2005 issue of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (Volume 7, Number 1): 1-17.  This is follow-up research on Rand's education in Russia.  See also "In Search of the Rand Transcript", "The Rand Transcript", and "The Rand Transcript Revealed".


By Chris Matthew Sciabarra

Abstract In an examination of recently recovered materials from Russian archival sources, Sciabarra expands on his earlier studies of Rand's secondary and university education in Silver Age Russia (see the Fall 1999 Journal of Ayn Rand Studies essay, "The Rand Transcript"). He uncovers new details that are consistent with his historical theses, first presented in the 1995 book, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical. He reexamines the case for a connection between Rand and N. O. Lossky, and proposes a possible parallel between Lossky and a character Rand called "Professor Leskov" in an early draft of the novel, We the Living.

This article is no longer available on this site; it is reprinted in the second expanded edition of Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical.  (See follow-up discussion at Notablog.)

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